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Advances in Surgical Therapeutics for Endometriosis.

By July 22, 2023No Comments

An exciting new endeavor between The Academy and its International Partners

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic disease affecting one in every ten reproductive-age women. It occurs when tissue similar to the one covering the inside of the uterus grows outside the uterine cavity, for example, attached to the intestines, ovaries or even diaphragm. The two main consequences of untreated endometriosis are chronic severe pain affecting quality of life and, in some cases, infertility.

Surgery for Endometriosis.

At one point or another, patients suffering from endometriosis will require a surgical consultation, some for diagnosis, others for treatment, and many for both. However, annual direct costs per endometriosis patient in the United States have been estimated at $16,573 USD, whereas treatment costs in Canada and other high-income countries, although less extensively studied, can also prove prohibitive.

Advances in Surgical Therapeutics for Endometriosis Masterclass.

The Academy has once again tapped into the highly productive partnership with Medtronic to bring together a group of experts from the United States, Mexico and Brazil to discuss the most controversial and updated topics in the field of endometriosis, as well as to deliver a 2-day Masterclass for prominent Latin American surgeons who are seeking guidance on how to more effectively combat this burdensome condition. This same group will start treating patients at the International Institute of Metabolic Medicine, which will enable international patients to seek care at an accredited, highly specialized state of the art facility that is affordable, safe and up to date with global  standards of care for patients suffering from endometriosis.
The Academy of Surgical Innovation is partnering with world leaders in the field of endometriosis as well as the leading industrial figures to assemble a highly specialized, high-quality and affordable treatment center in Tijuana.